string GetPrefabInstanceNameFromActor(string physicsActorName)
This function receives the physics actor physicsActorName and returns the name of the prefab instance to which physicsActorName belongs.
Specifies the name of the physics actor.
Return Value
This function returns the name of the prefab instance to which physicsActorName belongs.
prefab_instance_name = "" function OnTriggerEnter(otherActorName) prefab_instance_name = GetPrefabInstanceNameFromActor(otherActorName) message = string.format("\nPrefab instance name is > %s" ,prefab_instance_name) PrintConsole(message) end function OnTriggerStay(otherActorName) end function OnTriggerExit(otherActorName) end
Assume that this script is attached to a trigger. Whenever a prefab instance that has dynamic physics is entered into this trigger, the name of its physics actor is sent to the OnTriggerEnter event. Using the GetPrefabInstanceNameFromActor function, we find the prefab instance name that otherActorName name belongs to and display it in the console.