double GetPrefabInstanceTransparency(string prefabInstanceName)
This function returns the transparency of prefab instance prefabInstanceName.
Specifies the name of the prefab instance. You can also use the name “this” for this parameter. In this case, “this” refers to the prefab instance that this script is attached to.
Return Value
This function returns the transparency of prefab instance. This value is in the range [0.0,1.0].
Example 1
value = 0.0 function Init() value = GetPrefabInstanceTransparency("1_VandaEngine17-SamplePack1_wood_pile") message = string.format("\nTransparency is : (%.2f)", value) PrintConsole(message) end function Update() end
First we get the transparency of prefab instance “1_VandaEngine17-SamplePack1_wood_pile”. Then we display the result in the console using the PrintConsole function.
Example 2
--Name of script is GetPrefabInstanceTransparency2.lua value = 0.0 function Init() value = GetPrefabInstanceTransparency("this") message = string.format("\nTransparency is : (%.2f)", value) PrintConsole(message) end function Update() end
If, in the Prefab Editor, you attach GetPrefabInstanceTransparency2.lua script to a Prefab, then “this” parameter in the GetPrefabInstanceTransparency function will point to instances of that Prefab in current VScene. For example, if you have an Instance named instance1_a from a Prefab named a to which this script is attached, “this” in GetPrefabInstanceTransparency function refers to the name instance1_a.
In this example, we get the transparency of current prefab instance (for example, instance1_a). Then we display the result in the console using the PrintConsole function.