Setting a project in Vanda Engine


It is important to know how to start and set your own projects in VE for organization and easy access. VE creates all the folders and directories required to manage a small or large project. Setting up a project in VE is similar to setting up a project in Maya.

By default, VE uses a default project which can be found in your documents under My Documents/Vanda/Projects/Default/. When you create and save a new VScene, VE Creates multiple folders in My Documents/Vanda/[Current Projects]/[Current Vscene]/ and copies the required files to these folders. Different files go to different sub-folders: Water textures go to My Documents/Vanda/[Current Projects]/[Current Vscene]/Water/, sounds go to My Documents/Vanda/[Current Projects]/[Current Vscene]/Sounds/, etc.

Don’t get scared! You don’t need to copy the required assets to these local directories. VE does most of the leg work, making sure the right information gets copied to the correct folders.

When you close VE, it will remember the path of current project directory. Every time you start VE, it will load the saved project directory and saves all VScenes to that directory. So if you want to start a new project, the first step is to tell VE which project you’re working on.

Creating a New Project

1. Go to File | Project | New

2. Set the name of the project; this will be the name of the project folder.

Now within the VE directory in MyDocuments, you’ll find the new project folder. This project will be the current project and all of the required assets will be copied to its folder.


Editing a Project

1. Go to File | Project | Edit Current Project…

2. Change the name of the project.


Changing The Current Project

This feature is handy if you have an existing project on your computer. By setting the project, you are telling the program to use an existing project and all of its sub folders.

Let’s say you want to go back to a different projects folder. To do this:

1. go to File | Projects | Set Project…

2. Select the project name and click OK.

Now when you choose File | Open, VE will look in the newly set folder to open the VScene.

Editing the VScenes of current project

You can delete or rename the VScenes that belong to current active project. To do so, go to File | Project | Edit VScenes of Current Project.

You can not open or rename current open VScene.

Publishing the Current Project


To publish your current project, Go to File | Project | Publish Current…

Project Name specifies the root directory name of the published assets. “Destination” lets you specify a destination for your published assets. VE copies your published assets to Destination/Project Name directory.

“Available VScenes” list shows all of the VScenes of the current project. You can choose which VScenes you want to publish. To add a VScene to the published list, select the VScene in “Available VScenes” list and press “>” button. To remove a VScene from the published list, select the VScene in “VScenes to be published” list and press “<” button”

you should tell VE that which VScene should be loaded first. If your published list contains more than one VScenes, you should select one of the VScenes in “VScenes to be Published” list and press the “Mark Current Selection as First VScene”.

When you’re finished making changes to the options on the Publish window, just click the Publish button. Now VE copies all of the required assets from the My Documents/Vanda/[Current Projects] and My Documents/Vanda/Packages/ directories to the Destination/Project Name/ directory. Moreover, the required drivers are copied  to Destination/Project Name/Drivers directory.

Now that you’ve published your project, you can burn the files to a CD or DVD, or copy them to whatever local destination from which you plan to play the output. Please be aware that your clients need to install the required drivers (copied to Project Name/Drivers) on their machines in order to run the published project.


(c) copyright Zehne Ziba Co., Ltd. For more information, please refer to copyright notice.

adminSetting a project in Vanda Engine