ShowGUIButton(string GUIName, string buttonName)
This function shows the button buttonName that belongs to the GUI GUIName.
Specifies the GUI name. You can also use the name “this” for this parameter. In this case, the name “this” refers to the GUI to which the button buttonName belongs.
Specifies the button name that belongs to the GUI GUIName.
Example 1
function OnTriggerEnter(otherActorName) HideGUIButton("gui_SampleGUI17_MainMenu", "PlayGame") end function OnTriggerStay(otherActorName) end function OnTriggerExit(otherActorName) ShowGUIButton("gui_SampleGUI17_MainMenu", "PlayGame") end
Assume that the above script is attached to a trigger named “trigger1”. Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics is entered into this trigger, the button “PlayGame” that belongs to GUI “gui_SampleGUI17_MainMenu” will be hidden. Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics exits this trigger, the button “PlayGame” that belongs to GUI “gui_SampleGUI17_MainMenu” will be displayed.
Example 2
--Name of script is ShowGUIButton2.lua function OnSelectMouseLButtonDown() ShowGUIButton("this", "About") end function OnSelectMouseRButtonDown() end function OnSelectMouseEnter() end
Assume that the above script named ShowGUIButton2.lua is attached to a button named “PlayGame” that belongs to the GUI “gui_1”. Also assume that GUI “gui_1” has another button named “About”. In this case, “this” string in the ShowGUIButton function refers to the name “gui_1”. Whenever the user left clicks the “PlayGame” button, the ShowGUIButton function will display the “About” button belonging to GUI “gui_1”.