ShowMenuCursor([optional] int cursorSize)
This function shows the menu cursor image. You can change the menu cursor image and its properties through the Current VScene Properties dialog (Tools > Current VScene Properties).
Specifies the menu cursor size. this parameter is optional. If this value is not specified, the menu cursor size specified in the Current VScene Properties dialog will be used. This value must be greater than 0.
Example 1
function OnTriggerEnter(otherActorName) ShowMenuCursor(4) end function OnTriggerStay(otherActorName) end function OnTriggerExit(otherActorName) HideMenuCursor() end
Assume that the above script is attached to a trigger named “trigger1”. Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics is entered into this trigger, the menu cursor image with size 4 will be displayed. Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics exits this trigger, the menu cursor image will be hidden.
Example 2
function OnTriggerEnter(otherActorName) ShowMenuCursor() end function OnTriggerStay(otherActorName) end function OnTriggerExit(otherActorName) HideMenuCursor() end
Assume that the above script is attached to a trigger named “trigger1”.
Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics is entered into this trigger, the menu cursor image will be displayed. Since we have not specified the menu cursor size in the ShowMenuCursor function, the menu cursor size specified in the Current VScene Properties dialog will be used.
Whenever the main character or a prefab instance that has dynamic physics exits this trigger, the menu cursor image will be hidden.