Let the user edit specular color of water or enable/disable specular for water.
Developing Prefab system (make a hierarchy and let prefabs to be made in VScene mode as well)
Adding pre-made objects Like in Muvizu and Steam Engine
support for TGA and PNG textures.
Reset the game status (like play mode of Unity)
Adding a support ticket to the init dialog
Adding keyboard shortcuts
Lots of developers need a big editor in unites- an example is outerra. Unity is a editor that lets you make a map bigger than 1000km but when you pass the 100km with car, there is a vector problem, so a reset is needed. If the editor is 7 unites bigger than others, it’s OK. but I suggest to let the developer decide the relation in km. All engines have “Engine Units” (eu).
It’s a good idea if users can add something like this.
1eu = 1m
1eu = 10cm
1eu = 10Km
Some developers need to import the terrain not built inside the editor. All the assets are made outside the game engine, including the terrain, the tree position texture layer, grass layer etc.
UDK has the best shader editor. It’s a good idea to implement node based shaders in Vanda Engine 1
In Unity you can drag and drop the textures or 3d objects in a fast way to personal folders. And the folder structure is up the user. Unity has the best importing mechanism. Should add this functionality to Vanda Engine 1.
Cry Engine has the best 24 hours sky. It’s a good idea to add this functionality to Vanda Engine 1.
To add gravity or attaching an object to another objects, I can use forces with specified directions.
Some developers prefer to makes physics of objects in their own preferred 3D modeling software such as Blender. Vanda Engine 1 currently imports PhysX data from 3ds Max and Maya. More 3d modeling software should be supported.
It’s not realistic if you if I put a collider in a bush-It’s like hitting the walls. It’s a good idea to use soft colliders for tall grasses and top of the trees.
In unity and CryEngine, there is no reference of force value. In Udk and Rad you can add force value. It is much better and faster way to add for example. 1000kg mass car. or a force of 100kg. Users should be able to specify force values in Vanda Engine.
The center of gravity must be shown (CG). The CG moves down or up the gravity force when the object spins.
The center of pressure (CP) or where the lift drag force is applied should be shown. When the object moves, its CP moves too. However it’s dependent to user inputs and airfoil (Xfoil) data. For example, A lift surface has the force that starts in the CP, but it moves in relation to speed and angle of attack.
It’s a good idea to write an algorithm to generate low poly PhysX meshes and export them to Blender , Rhino, Maya, Max or Sketchup ( Question: Do Blender, Rhino and Sketchup support PhysX XML formats made by NXUStream2 library?)