WriteStringVariableToFile(string value)
This function writes a string value to the currently open file. Before writing information to the file, make sure that you have opened the desired file for writing with the OpenFileForWriting function.
Specifies a string value to write to the currently opened file.
sVar = "init" function Init() --Create a folder in Assets/Data/ path CreateFolder("Lev1") --Create and open file to write data OpenFileForWriting("Lev1/level1.bin") WriteStringVariableToFile("level1") CloseFile("Lev1/level1.bin") --Open File to load data OpenFileForReading("Lev1/level1.bin") sVar = ReadStringVariableFromFile() CloseFile("Lev1/level1.bin") end
First, using the CreateFolder function, we create a folder called “Lev1” in the Assets/Data/ path. Then, using the OpenFileForWriting function, we open the level1.bin file located in the Assets/Data/Lev1/ path for writing. After writing a string value “level1” by the WriteStringVariableToFile function, we close the file by the CloseFile function.
Then, using the OpenFileForReading function, we open the level1.bin file located in the path Assets/Data/Lev1/ for reading and read a string variable from the level1.bin file with the ReadStringVariableFromFile() function. In our example, value of sVar is “level1” after reading it. Finally, we close the file by the CloseFile function.