- Importing external scenes in COLLADA 1.4 format:
- static and dynamic cameras
- skeletal animations
- Skins
- Skeletons
- Multiple Animations Per Skeleton
- transformations
- Translation
- Rotation
- Scaling
- Static and dynamic lights
- Point
- Directional
- Spot
- animation
- translation
- rotation
- materials
- Lambert
- Phong
- Blinn
- tangent and binormal vectors
- vertex positions
- normal vectors
- multi UV Sets
- Normal map
- Alpha map
- Gloss map
- Parallax map
- Multisampling
- Animation blending
- Bloom
- Dynamic shadow:
- Loading DDS textures
- Scene Manager
- Octree
- Bounding Box
- Per vertex fog
- Grass
- Water
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Sky Dome
- Depth Of Field
- 3D and dolby digital sounds
- Ambient Sound
- Importing External Physics Scenes
- Triggers
- Static and dynamic actors
- Materials
- Generating physics actors via the editor
- Static, dynamic, and kinematic actors including:
- Box
- Sphere
- Cylinder
- Convex Hull
- Static Triangulated Mesh including LOD
- Static Triggers
- Static, dynamic, and kinematic actors including:
- Creating static point, directional, and spot lights via the editor
- Zipping, encrypting, and protecting the external scenes with strong passwords
- Project management similar to Maya
- Publishing the projects
- Lua scripting language to control animations, triggering other events, etc.
- Changing general PhysX properties
- Hardware occlusion Culling
- LOD Manager
- Prefab Mode
- Play Mode
Other Features
The following features will be added to Vanda Engine 1.5:
- 24 hours sky dome
- Capturing AVI movies including audio
- moveable 3D sound sources
- Path finding using navigation meshes
Languages and APIs
- Visual C++
- OpenGL 3.0
- OpenAL 1.1
- Collada DOM 2.2
- PhysX
- DirectInput 8
- Minizip