Thanks for watching our video and welcome to Vanda Engine.
Vanda Engine is the new FREE and open source development platform for Games and real-time interactive 3D. Featuring a technology called VScenes, the engine allows anyone to begin building by constructing over many layers or as we call VScenes.
Please Check out the following link to learn more about VScenes.
OK… but, what’s our final goal?…
We will change Vanda Engine to a full-blown 3D game engine that lets you make interactive scenes, films, and high quality games on all major operating systems including Windows, Mac and Linux.
Follow us on Facebook and be informed about what we’re doing for you.
The source code can be freely downloaded from GitHub and Sourceforge.
For more information about updates and useful links, visit our website.
And once again, Thanks for watching our video and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.